.plist the Data Couldn't Be Read Because It Isn't in the Correct Format

SOLVED: The data couldn't exist read considering it isn't in the correct format.

Forums > SwiftUI


this is the API

                        {    "ip":"",    "hostname":"",    "continent_code":"",    "continent_name":"",    "country_code2":"",    "country_code3":"",    "country_name":" ",    "country_capital":"",    "state_prov":"",    "district":"",    "city":"",    "zipcode":"",    "breadth":00.00,    "longitude":00.00,    "is_eu":"false",    "calling_code":"+",    "country_tld":"",    "languages":"",    "country_flag":"https",    "internet service provider":"",    "connection_type":"",    "organization":"",    "asn":"",    "geoname_id":0000,    "currency":{       "proper noun":"",       "lawmaking":"",       "symbol":""    },    "time_zone":{       "name":"",       "offset":3,       "current_time":"",       "current_time_unix":"",       "is_dst":"",       "dst_savings":0    } }                      

and this is structs

                        struct Location: Codable {     permit ip, hostname, continentCode, continentName: Cord?     let countryCode2, countryCode3, countryName, countryCapital: String?     let stateProv, commune, city, zipcode: Cord?     let breadth, longitude: Double?     allow isEu, callingCode, countryTLD, languages: Cord?     let countryFlag: String?     let isp, connectionType, organization, asn: String?     let geonameID: Int?     permit currency: Currency?     let timeZone: TimeZone?      enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {         case ip, hostname         case continentCode         instance continentName         instance countryCode2         case countryCode3         instance countryName         case countryCapital         case stateProv         case district, city, zipcode, breadth, longitude         case isEu         case callingCode         instance countryTLD         case languages         case countryFlag         example isp         case connectionType         instance organization, asn         instance geonameID         instance currency         case timeZone     } }  struct Currency: Codable {     let name, lawmaking, symbol: Cord? }  struct TimeZone: Codable {     let name: String?     let offset: Int?     permit currentTime, currentTimeUnix, isDst: Cord?     let dstSavings: Int?      enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {         case name, offset         case currentTime         case currentTimeUnix         instance isDst         example dstSavings     } }                                              

only I got this fault. (The data couldn't be read because information technology isn't in the right format.).

I congenital the structs from a script


@roosterboy HWS+

Is that the bodily JSON yous are testing with or did y'all requite us an altered version? Because it's non valid JSON due to these lines:

                                                  "breadth":00.00,    "longitude":00.00,     "geoname_id":0000,                      

They should be:

                                                  "breadth":0.0,    "longitude":0.0,     "geoname_id":0,                      



yea information technology is contradistinct, becuase the response contains my data. just I desire to know if the structs correspond the json structure or not, and how to practise information technology. The actual JSON is valid and contains an actual latitude and longitude.

request function:

                                                  func fetch_location(API_KEY : Cord, ip : String){         let API_URL = "https://api.ipgeolocation.io/ipgeo?apiKey=\(API_KEY)&ip=\(ip)"         baby-sit allow url = URL(string: API_URL)else{             impress("invalid url ...")             return         }         allow decoder = JSONDecoder()         let request = URLRequest(url: url)          URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request) { (data, response, error) in             if fault != nil{                 impress("error ane")                 print(mistake?.localizedDescription as Whatsoever)             }             else{                 if let data = data{                     do{                     let result = try decoder.decode(Location.self, from: data)                         print(issue )                      }grab{                         print("errpr 2")                         print(mistake.localizedDescription)                     }                 }             }         }.resume()     }                      


@roosterboy HWS+

simply I want to know if the structs represent the json construction or non

Aye. Once I corrected the zeroes consequence, your structsouthward worked fine to decode the instance JSON.

A tip...

When decoding JSON, don't do this:


Do this instead:


It will give you much more than detail about what the problem is.


                        The data couldn't be read because it isn't in the correct format.                      

versus this:

                        dataCorrupted(Swift.DecodingError.Context(codingPath: [], debugDescription: "The given data was non valid JSON.", underlyingError: Optional(Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3840 "Number with leading zero around grapheme 482."                      



I got the trouble when I print(error), I changed latitude, longitude to exist String instade of Double, thankyou.



I am lamentable. merely why some properties contains nil within. The API has a value.


@roosterboy HWS+

Okay, subsequently hunting down some sample API data—which yous really should supply with these types of questions, as your structs worked fine with the sample information you did provide simply fail with actual sample information from the API documentation—you can make these changes and information technology should work:

                        struct Location: Codable {     permit ip, hostname, continentCode, continentName: Cord?     let countryCode2, countryCode3, countryName, countryCapital: Cord?     let stateProv, district, city, zipcode: Cord?     allow latitude, longitude: Cord? //instead of Double?     permit isEu: Bool?  //instead of String?     permit callingCode, countryTld, languages: String? //countryTld instead of countryTLD     let countryFlag: String?     allow internet access provider, connectionType, system, asn: Cord?     permit geonameId: Cord? //instead of allow geonameID: Int?     let currency: Currency?     allow timeZone: TimeZone?      enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {         case ip, hostname         case continentCode         example continentName         case countryCode2         case countryCode3         example countryName         case countryCapital         case stateProv         case district, city, zipcode, breadth, longitude         case isEu         case callingCode         case countryTld //instead of countryTLD         case languages         case countryFlag         case isp         case connectionType         case system, asn         case geonameId //instead of geonameID         instance currency         example timeZone     } }  //no changes to Currency struct  struct TimeZone: Codable {     permit name: Cord?     permit beginning: Int?     allow currentTime: String?     let currentTimeUnix: Appointment? //instead of Cord?     permit isDst: Bool? //instead of String?     allow dstSavings: Int?      enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {         case name, offset         example currentTime         case currentTimeUnix         example isDst         case dstSavings     } }                      

And then when you lot create your JSONDecoder, be sure to ready its keyDecodingStrategy to .convertFromSnakeCase.

OR, you tin add together explicit key mappings to your CodingKeys enums, like this:

                        instance continentCode = "continent_code" instance continentName = "continent_name" //...etc..                      

Note that doing information technology this mode would let you to keep countryTLD and geonameID in your Location struct.

                        case countryTLD = "country_tld" case geonameID = "geoname_id"                      



Give thanks you, it was my fault, I just took sampel of resopnses that is not workes in my case, or non represents the actual response from API.


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Source: https://www.hackingwithswift.com/forums/swiftui/the-data-couldn-t-be-read-because-it-isn-t-in-the-correct-format/7440

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