Did Clinton Injure Her Hand Again


Postal service-Op President

Clinton emerges from articulatio genus surgery: 'I feel great'

BETHESDA, Md. (AllPolitics, March 14) -- President Bill Clinton is resting afterward undergoing a 2-hour operation this afternoon to repair a tendon in his knee that he tore early this morning time in Florida.

Clinton'southward doctors at the Bethesda Naval Hospital declared themselves pleased. "We were very happy with our repair," said David Adkison, the chief surgeon, in a post-operative news conference. "He has an splendid chance to regain full motion in his knee."

"He wants to know when he can swing a golf game club," Adkison said. "We'll see." Adkison later on said it would probably be six months earlier Clinton is able to play his full game.

"I feel bully, they did a terrific job," Clinton said, his voice piped into the news conference from his infirmary room. "I had just an unlucky pause." (672K WAV sound)

Adkison said he and Clinton chatted throughout the procedure, talking about their shared musical tastes, including Lyle Lovett, whose music they played during the surgery. Clinton recommended several compact discs to Adkison.

The president, in Florida for fund-raising events and a golf tournament, slipped on some steps while leaving the home of golfer Greg Norman at about 1:20 a.m. Co-ordinate to his doctors, Clinton suffered more a 50 percent tear in the quadriceps tendon of his right articulatio genus, a very painful injury. He injured a ligament in that aforementioned knee 17 years agone while skiing.


Information technology'south the second metaphor the president has turned into reality this week. Commencement, he introduced a transportation spending plan that he said would literally build his bridge to the 21st century. Now, of class, he is an actual lame duck.

Clinton flew back from Florida this morning (1MB QuickTime moving picture) and arrived at the Bethesda Naval Hospital about noon ET. As the president attempted to maneuver into a vehicle to go to the hospital he appeared to be suffering some pain, but smiled for reporters.

David Wade, principal of clinical staff at Bethesda, told reporters that the procedure is "not a terribly complicated operation to perform."

Adkison kickoff fabricated a four- to 5-inch incision just above Clinton's knee, then drilled two holes in his kneecap and sutured the tendon to it.

The procedure went a petty longer than anticipated; it had been expected to take an hour to 90 minutes. Adkison said Clinton had suffered an unusual tear. "Information technology tore in a way where there actually nonetheless was some of the tendon attached to the bone, which is uncommon, where there was a adequately large amount still attached to the os," he said.

Clinton was given regional anesthesia via an epidural and no presidential powers were turned over to Vice President Al Gore. Wade noted beforehand that nearly people who undergo this kind of surgery have merely a regional anesthetic and not a full general one.

White Firm Chief of Staff Erskine Bowles was on mitt to handle transferring ability to Gore if information technology had become necessary to practise so.


First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton has decided to delay by 24 hours her departure on a planned ii-week trip to Africa; she had been scheduled to leave Sat. White House Press Secretary Mike McCurry said, "The president considers that a very important trip, and she fully intends to go ahead with her travels as well, although they'll consult on the schedule later the procedure."

The vice president was in San Bernardino, Calif., today for an education event at a local elementary school. He had been scheduled to head back to Washington tonight and did non change those plans.


Doctors say that while the damage to Clinton's knee is substantial, the repair is not difficult or uncommon. Simply the recovery volition be dull; they estimate that Clinton would be on crutches for 2 to six weeks, and could undergo months of physical therapy.

The president is expected to stay overnight in the hospital. Doctors will determine Sabbatum if he needs to stay some other night.

Aides described the president's mood as good before he went into surgery; he was said to be unhappy only that he won't be able to play golf for a while. McCurry said Clinton is looking forrard to catching some of the NCAA college basketball tournament.


Source: https://www.cnn.com/ALLPOLITICS/1997/03/14/clinton.knee/

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